Saturday, July 01, 2006

Causes for Obesity, or Just Correlations?

A study appearing in the International Journal of Obesity looks at 10 factors that might be adding to the obesity epidemic.

  1. Sleep deprivation.
  2. Pollution and chemicals.
  3. Heating and air conditioning use.
  4. Decreased smoking rates.
  5. Use of steriods, antidepressants & contraceptives.
  6. An aging population.
  7. Children being born to older women.
  8. Genetics.
  9. Higher fertility rates among overweight women.
  10. Attraction to similar body types.

Yeah, I agree these factors might be contributing to our society's weight gain, although inactivity and huge junk food portions have to be bigger contributors. So what's the solution? EXERCISE and EATING HEALTHY!!!

  1. Sleep deprivation? Exercise helps you sleep better.
  2. Pollution and chemicals? Exercise helps purge toxins out of your body, and foods full of antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) help combat the cellular damage and hormone disruption of pollution and chemicals.
  3. Heating and air conditioning use? Exercise (especially strength training) helps you regulate your temperature better so you need to depend on external means of finding comfort less.
  4. Decreased smoking rates? Exercise and eating healthy helps offset possible weight gain.
  5. Use of steriods, antidepressants & contraceptives? Exercise and eating healthy may not be able to fully offset medication effects. Talk with your physician about alternatives that may not have weight-gain side effects.
  6. An aging population? No! It's being sedentary and losing muscle that contributes to weight gain, not age by itself. Strength train to keep up your muscle mass and metabolism.
  7. Children being born to older women? A correlation. An active and healthy lifestyle with less TV, video games and junk food should prevent obesity in children.
  8. Genetics? Maybe, but genetics can only give you a predisposition to a certain weight, not determine it. Exercise and eating healthy still work.
  9. Higher fertility rates among slightly overweight women? I believe this is skewed because underweight women may not be able to conceive.
  10. Attraction to similar body types? Start exercising and eating well, and attract those who do also!

So we already knew the problem... and the solution. Let's take this new information, and just let it add to our motivation to be solution oriented!


Committed to your health,

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