Friday, April 24, 2009

Preserve Antioxidants - Microwave Your Veggies!

If you're going to cook your veggies, it's healthier to microwave or griddle them.

Vegetables preserve the highest levels of antioxidants if you microwave or griddle them, as opposed to boiling, pressure-cooking, baking or frying.

The Institute of Food Technology released results of a study comparing six cooking methods with 20 vegetables.

They also found:
  • The highest antioxidant loss was observed in cauliflower after boiling and microwaving, peas after boiling, and zucchini after boiling and frying.
  • Artichokes preserved high antioxidant levels - even with boiling.
  • Carrots, celery and green beans have increased antioxidant levels with cooking (except boiling)!
For the most part, don't lose your antioxidants in boiling water!

Committed to your health,

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